Syo, to put it simply, is a nice guy. He tries to avoid offending people and takes the purpose of the comic very seriously, even if he's not sure what it is himself. Although he is sometimes caught unprepared by Tanami's brashness, he enjoys her company and tries his best to get her angry. (Because that would REALLY be bad.)
Tanami is Syo's lovely asistant. Well, not really. She is a rather outgoing girl who speaks her mind and wears her emotions on her sleves. One thing that really offends her is being left out of the loop, and as a result she wasn't too happy when she found out what the comic was about. Not your average co-host though, and is a more complex person than she lets on.




Saikyo is produced by Robert Gee. E_mail

Saikyo is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.