Saikyo the Online Comic

Sunday , October 5 , 2003


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Saikyo the Online Comic

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Wha-ha! Today's comic was done by my friend Jason Jones. He's pretty crazy isn't he?

Bad Dudes, Bad Dudes. Wha'cha gonna do when the ninja's come for you?

Maybe this was a really bad joke, but then again, who reads this comic anyways?
posted by B.J. 11:06 PM


Sunday, June 08, 2003

Hey, maybe you are wondering why there hasn't been an update in a while. Well, I haven't been slacking off on producing the comics at least, I've got the drawings for the next two comics done, the only problem is, I currently don't have access to a decent scanner, at least not one that will allow me to transfer the drawings over to my computer where I do all the editing. For that matter, I currently don't have an internet connection for the computer which houses the comics which means I couldn't upload anything even if I had the scanner... If anyone is reading this, hopefully I'll find a way to resolve this situation, but then, if you visit this site frequently, you're probably used to the delays by now... (not that's an attempt at an excuse...)
posted by B.J. 12:54 AM


Thursday, April 24, 2003

Testing blogger 1 2 3...
posted by B.J. 8:53 AM

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10/16/02 - The second comic is up! It didn't really take me 14 days to do one comic, really! I've yet to get some sort of schedule down so that I can produce more than once a week. Although I don't know why I even bother to mention it since there are probably very few people viewing the site anyways. Anyways, it today's comic, we finally discover what the purpose of the darn comic is, oh yeah!

10/2/02 - Well, here's the first comic. I'm still working on the production process, so it might take a while for the updates to stabilize. I'm also in the process of creating some of the other pages. I imagine that archives and the info section will be first since I don't really have anything prepared for the other sections yet.


-->comic_name --> is produced by Robert Gee. E_mail

Saikyo is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.